
my life...

I am a little more rested these days. For the last two nights Cole has slept for at least 5 hours. I'm hoping this trend continues. This morning he has been really happy too. He has been smiling and laying by himself without crying. If all of this continues, all we will have to do is wait until he quits spitting up all of his meals. In the mean time, I suppose he will just be very well bathed and I will be doing laundry a lot more often.

In other news, I think it might be time to start potty training my daughter. This morning I woke up to, "Mom, out please." I went in to get my daughter up and she had unzipped her pajamas and undone her diaper. It was still on, and it was only wet, but I know it could have been much worse. I think she needs to learn how to use the potty... and soon!

Meanwhile, the rest of my life is falling behind. I have mounds of laundry to fold, piles of dishes to wash, carpets to vacuum, and bedrooms to clean. I did manage to clean the bathroom the other night at least. I haven't been to the grocery story in almost two months. We are out of EVERYTHING, but I haven't mastered leaving the house to shop without Josh quite yet and Josh is so busy with catching up at the school.

I feel scattered and too busy. I don't have time for basic chores, and so I don't have time to do things like shower either. I suppose I will just have to join the ranks of the run ragged and unwashed.


Krista Rose said...

ew...please shower :)

The Artist said...

Princess... I know it's not a ton of help... but I can watch the little ones on Thursdays, all you have to do is ask, if that's of any help.

bekah said...

Hey, I've had to go shopping by myself a lot lately too...if you'd like a companion we could team up. Just give me a call :)