

I got my results back today from my glucose/random other blood tests. My glucose test was perfect! Yay! I don't have to worry about that anymore, and more importantly, I don't have to take the stupid four hour test. However, my iron came back extremely low. I was anemic with Jenna, and I guess I shouldn't be surprised that I am this time too. The doctor put me on a ton of iron pills and then told me that my diet should consist of dark green veggies, red meat, and a lot of fiber. Honestly, I love those little iron pills. Even though their side effects can be a pain in the butt (lol... come on, it's a GREAT pun!) they give energy and life! I'm also looking forward to not looking like a pale raccoon anymore as well. It shouldn't be long before they kick it, and I am praying that I feel a lot better by Becky's wedding. All in all, I am pleased with the results. I am a little concerned about the anemia though because that is one major reason that I had such a hard time after Jenna's delivery. Anemia + massive blood loss = ahhhhh!!!!! Anyhow, hopefully we caught it soon enough this time that it won't be a problem come August...

1 comment:

Krista Rose said...

haha! pain in the butt! ha!

oh, boy, I hope I don't have to do that again...my last test was good, and I'm REALLY hoping to keep the iron up! :o$